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THE REALITY About Vaping Health

THE REALITY About Vaping Health A fresh study comparing the consequences of two different kinds of e-liquid has just been published in JAMA. It compared the oral and nasal symptoms of two sets of teenage smokers. One group was given a non-nicotine e-liquid, and another was given a nicotine e-liquid. The report’s conclusion? E-juices which…

GIVE UP SMOKING With Electronics Cigarettes

GIVE UP SMOKING With Electronics Cigarettes Electronics cigarettes are on the Smok Novo 2 list of hottest smoking cessation products on the market. They are a great option to traditional cigarettes, both to look at and in effect. In fact, these electronic cigarettes work exactly like real cigarettes – but minus the tar and other…

Why Vaporizers Are Better Than Traditional Cigarettes

Why Vaporizers Are Better Than Traditional Cigarettes E-Liquid or vaping liquid refers to the fluid produced by an electric cigarette. The liquid can be used to heat up the coil, which in turn causes the vapor to be dispersed in the air. vapor is known as to be a healthy alternative to tobacco because it…

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